What's the rating ? 🤔 🔞


What's the rating ? 🤔 🔞
What's the rating ? 🤔 🔞

As we draw closer to the release of the '⏪ Rewind Demo', this post will serve as a clarification of the ratings/age rating of the demo, as well as other future titles under the Touch Paradise XXX umbrella.

The Touch Paradise XXX 
⏪ Rewind Demo will be:

- 18+ 
- NSFW (Not Safe for Work)
- XXX Rated
- Uncensored
- Uncut
- Adults Only (no one below the age of 18)

In other words, the content within the demo, as well as other future titles will be the REAL DEAL.

While there will be a multitude of self-righteous naysayers out there who are quick to sit back and point fingers, please be aware that on initialising the demo, there will be a mandatory content notice as well as an opportunity to verify your age. 

You cannot skip it.

It just means that the game demo will provide you with an opportunity to exit the application without seeing anything that is XXX Rated if you do not meet the age requirements.

That's it for now, stay tuned for further updates.

Touch Paradise XXX  


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